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WriterStudio is a writing resource for current School of Education students

Need help with your writing? Everyone does! The School of Education WriterStudio is available to support you with all types of academic writing, at any stage from brainstorming to final once-over. 

We offer two types of appointment for writing support: real-time online video meetings and asynchronous e-mentoring where you receive feedback via email. 

  1. ONLINE: Real-time video conference meeting in which you can discuss your writing with a mentor. These work well for developing ideas (even before you've started composing), discussing options for organizing and elaborating on ideas, and general coaching.  If you made an appointment for a real-time synchronous "online" meeting, you will join the meeting by logging back into the scheduling system at and opening the appointment you made. Please join the meeting 5 minutes in advance and upload to the web interface the writing you'd like to work on. 
  1. E-mentoring appointments: Asynchronous feedback returned via email, usually within 72 hours of the appointment where you submit the writing. This is NOT a real-time “online” meeting in which you talk to a mentor. After you have successfully scheduled your e-mentoring appointment, you will see a confirmation window that allows you to attach a file. Please include at the top of your draft a description of what kind of feedback you would find most helpful. If what you submit is more than 3-4 pages, please also indicate what part you'd like the mentor to respond to. Remember to upload your file! 

To sign up for an appointment, click on a white open time slot below and follow the instructions to register. Note that appointments are only 30 minutes, but if you have a long piece of writing to work on, you can book an hour by selecting two appointments (back-to-back, if ONLINE). 

SCHEDULING: Currently, appointments can be made for the following days and times (but remember, the days and times only really apply to real-time ONLINE appointments, since the E-mentoring is asynchronous):

  • Monday 1:30-4:30 pm
  • Wednesday 12:00-6:00 pm
  • Thursday 1:00-6:00 pm


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